Our Mission

To create a community where women are invited and included to find support, encouragement, inspiration, and connection so that together, we learn new tools and develop confidence to go for what we want in this next chapter of life.

We are not going crazy — we are seen, heard, and understood!

Our Vision

We believe passionately in the power of intentional community engagement to positively transform women to succeed, thrive, and embrace life.

What is Your Mission in Life?

Shop locally, give of your time, or serve others in a tangible way - it all counts!

Discover your next mission or ask us questions so that we can help you find the right place to give.

It feels SO good to give, doesn’t it?

Our Values and Pillars


We speak in terms (hopefully) everyone can understand. We are not better than anyone else, we are walking together through life's mess and challenges - so we can laugh, learn, and gain insight into what we need to live OUR best life.


We are genuine and keep it real. We can be vulnerable with and share our hard things. It is ok if someone is not yet ready to share their challenges. Just know - you are NOT alone!


We value bringing women together to have real conversations about real topics so that we can all engage and feel included. Show up!


All are welcome here. You are invited, accepted, and included. If there is a financial burden for what we offer, please reach out for a scholarship.


You are WORTH our time, effort, and energy. We give because we can. There is space for you anytime. Also, we are committed to donating 10% of profits to charities that benefit women.


We mean what we say and we say what we mean. We research, double check facts, and bring in reputable speakers and experts to teach, guide, and instruct in our workshops.

We do what we say we will do - and more…

2024 © Blumen Damen Enterprises LLC
Community Bloom: Women's Midlife Network * The Midlife Connection Podcast * Sunflower Publishing

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